Ravine Wellbeing Walk

1st August 2023

Ravine Wellbeing Walk

Ravine’s Wellbeing Walk is free to all staff working within the NHS and VCSE sectors in Northern Ireland.

Book yourself or your whole team in for a guided mindfulness walk around our South Belfast Nature Reserve.

You will enjoy a guided well-being and mindfulness experience from one of our Project Officers Adam, a qualified life awareness breathwork facilitator.

Meeting at our Log Cabins, Adam will lead you on a silent walk through our site. This will help you connect with yourself, your senses, and with nature. Then we will stop under the trees for a short guided meditation and breathwork experience. This will help you destress, disconnect from our busy screen-filled days, improve your mood, and learn to enjoy and embrace the green spaces around us. Take some time for yourself, you deserve it.

Our Nature Reserve is easily accessible, located only 5 miles from Belfast City Centre off Saintfield Road in Knockbracken Healthcare Park. Sign up for free and look after yourself and your team by relaxing and unwinding in nature

Book here

*Free Parking available on site