Art Survey.

10th November 2023

Trust Art Collection Survey

Share your thoughts from 14th – 30th November 2023

Have you noticed art on display in our hospitals and well-being centres? Take part in our Trust-wide survey and share your feedback. Anyone who uses Trust facilities – whether a staff member, a patient/service user or a visitor/carer – is being encouraged to complete the survey and share their thoughts. The survey can be completed online or by filling in a postcard at a range of hospital sites.

Why are we asking for people’s feedback? The BHSCT Arts in Health Team is working on an audit of the Trust art collection – this survey will help us understand people’s awareness of the artworks across our sites, and how different types of art resonate with people.

How do I take part? The survey can be completed online or using a postcard version – it will only take a few minutes but every response will be greatly appreciated.

  • Postcard survey: Keep an eye out for the postcard survey, featuring Rita Duffy’s painting of St John’s Lighthouse, County Down – it will be available to complete at busy hospital locations between now and the end of November. Simply fill it in and pop it into the return box.
  • Online survey: If you’d prefer to fill in the survey online, visit – the online version also provides extra space for longer answers.

Queries about the survey? Contact Conor McCafferty, Arts and Heritage Collections Officer:

BHSCT Arts in Health: Better health and wellbeing through access to the arts