Carers Support Service

Support for staff who are unpaid/family carers

The Trust recognises that many staff will also provide care for relatives, partners and friends who may have a physical or learning disability, have a mental or physical health problem and/or may be very frail.  Caring can be rewarding however it is often hard work and support is available for staff who are carers.

The Trust Carer Support Service is available to support staff who are carers. We can help you to access and develop a Carer Support Plan to assist you in your caring role. This may include accessing information and providing support, such as listening ear, carer grant, complementary therapies, relaxation days etc.  The Carers Framework (provide link to attached document) has also been developed to engage with staff as carers to enhance and support their health and wellbeing.

Staff who are carers, may find the following information helpful:

HR provide Carer Information sessions during the year on various topics.  Dates of sessions will be advertised on the Hub and in the What’s On section of this site.


Dear Carer

The Hello Carers – January Activity programme is now available for you to book your place(s) on.

Please book your place by clicking here →

We hope you will be able to join us for some of the sessions.

If you no longer wish to receive information from the BHSCT Carer Support Service please let us know and we will remove your name straight away.

Kind regards

BHSCT Carer Support Service

Tel: 028 95042126
