Alcohol Awareness Week 2024

30th May 2024

Alcohol Awareness Week 2024

14thto 20th June is NI Alcohol Awareness Week – an opportunity for those who drink alcohol to take a closer look at their drinking habits.

Over three-quarters of adults in Northern Ireland drink alcohol, but consuming too much can seriously affect our health; including our mental health. The aim of Alcohol Awareness week is to help us understand our drinking behaviour and explore our relationship with alcohol. It can be easy to fall into a habit of having a few drinks after work as a way to de-stress and this can lead to an increase in the amount we drink over time – sometimes without us even realising.

If you’d like to find out more you can drop into two pop-up sessions taking place at Trust sites on the dates below or you can take the online Alcohol MOT to understand your drinking habits.

  • Monday 17th June 10am -2pm Royal Hospital, Spoons Restaurant
  • Thursday 20th June 10am-2pm City Hospital, D Floor

Over the course of the week you can also look out for events and news on the Drugs & Alcohol NI Facebook page or follow them on X @NIDACTS

If you’re looking for information and resources regarding alcohol don’t forget to look at the B Well website.  The Positive Choices section includes an alcohol awareness webinar you can watch at any time as well as links to support services.  You can also check out our range of Self Help guides here including one titled “Alcohol and You”.  You can also visit the Drugs & Alcohol NI website where you can find links to of self-help tools, videos and information including this leaflet on alcohol and mental health.

If you are concerned about your drinking or someone else’s, you can access a list of support services in the Belfast area here.

For more information on the resources and programmes offered by the Health Improvement Team please visit our page here.