

Each of us, at some stage in our lives, will experience personal or work problems.
Staffcare provides free confidential counselling and support for the staff of Belfast Trust.
You can call the Staffcare Careline at any time, day or night, and speak with a counsellor.

CARELINE 0800 731 3674

What is Counselling?


We offer a short-term (up to 6 sessions), future-focused approach to counselling.

There can be times when we experience difficulties which are hard to sort out on our own. Sometimes our usual sources of support, such as family or friends, are too close to the problem, or can even be part of the problem. Counsellors are trained to listen non-judgementally to your worries and concerns, to help you understand better what is happening and to support you in finding ways to improve your situation.

The aim of counselling is to encourage people to find their own solutions – it is not about giving advice or instruction.

CARELINE 0800 731 3674

Is Staffcare Counselling Confidential?


Yes, all information regarding your use of the service will be treated in the strictest confidence and remains confidential to Staffcare. It is crucial for you to feel able to trust the service, in order to be able to talk openly about what is happening in your life.

This strict confidentiality rule would only be broken, in most cases with your consent, should exceptional circumstances arise which give the counsellor good grounds for believing that you may cause serious harm to yourself or to others.

This policy is in accordance with the code of ethics of the British Psychological Society and the British Association of Counselling and Psychotherapy.