Staff virtual Couch to 5K running programme
A new virtual Couch to 5K running programme for Belfast Trust staff will be starting on Monday 26th April.
This is a FREE 10 week running programme for beginners or individuals wanting to increase their physical activity levels. The programme delivered in partnership with the Health Improvement Team and qualified Athletics NI coaches, will give participants weekly training plans and ongoing support.
The programme involves just 20 – 30 minutes of walking and running, three times a week, for ten weeks. As well as preparing participants to run 5K and improve physical health, the programme can also benefit mental health as running is proven to be a great stress reliever.
Sign up today! Limited places and entries will close on Sunday 25th April.
For further information about the programme, please contact the Health Improvement Team: health.improvement@belfasttrust.hscni.net
Further physical activity opportunities for staff: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7_qqQIBaW4