Breast Screening

Breast Screening- Early detection saves lives!

Breast Screening saves lives by detecting cancers early. Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and attending screening is one of the best ways of detecting Breast Cancer at its earliest stage.



Every woman registered with a GP and aged 50-70 will automatically receive an invitation to attend every three years for Breast Screening. Did you know the chances of Breast cancer increase as you get older? Anyone over the age of 70 can attend for Breast Screening by simply contacting their local Breast Screening unit to arrange an appointment.

If you have recently been offered a screening appointment but are concerned for any reason, please contact your local screening unit where staff are on hand to answer any questions.

For further information contact the Breast Screening Unit at 028 90333700 or visit


Checking your Breasts for Changes

Leaflets & Useful Information





Over 70?

If you or a family member/ friend are over the age of 70 you will not be routinely called for screening however you are encouraged to contact the screening office for an appointment every 3 years.

For more information, click here.

Check Yourself

Becoming breast aware means knowing how your breasts normally look and feel.  You can become familiar with your breast tissue by looking and feeling – choose the way that is the most comfortable for you, for example in the bath. shower or when dressing.

Follow the 5-point breast awareness code:

  1. Know what is normal for you
  2. Check both the look and feel of your breasts
  3. Know what changes to look and feel for
  4. Report any changes to your GP without delay
  5. Always attend routine breast screening if you are aged 50 or over

Nine out of ten breast cancers are detected by women themselves or their partners. Although most breast changes will prove to be benign (non-cancerous) women should always report any concern to their GP.  A short film on how to carry out self-examination may be found here.