August – Events, Activities and Resources

5th August 2024


The Health Improvement Team’s vision is to improve, enhance and support the health and wellbeing of our staff by addressing their health experiences and outcomes. Click on the links for more information.


  • Action for Happiness Calendar – Altruistic August
  • The Health Improvement Team and Public Health Dietitians are offering visits to individual departments with a health and wellbeing information stand.  To find out more please click here
  • Supporting You with Encompass. Staff Health and Wellbeing Support and Resources are available beyond Go-Live. 
  • The Health Improvement Team are offering 5 different training sessions each with a focus on health and wellbeing.  Click here for more information and to book your place.
  • Living Life to the Full Course – this is suitable for people experiencing low mood, stress and/or mild to moderate depression. The course teaches people skills which can be used in everyday life
  • HIV Awareness TrainingHIV Awareness Training is mandatory for all BHSCT staff who have direct patient and client contact.  To access August training dates click here.
  • The Carers August Activity Programme is now available.  To book your place or view sessions click here
  • Cycle to Work Day takes place on the 1st To find out more about this day and how you and your Team can get involved please click here.  To read some personal stories of staff who cycle to work and how much they enjoy it click here
  • Motivational Interviewing Summer School 2024.  Ed Sipler from SEHSCT is offering training on zoom during August on a range of topics.  Click here for more information
  • Are you aware of the BHSCT Eye Care Scheme?  Find out more information click here
  • Breastfeeding Week takes place from the 1st to 7th August.  To find out more and order your breastfeeding pack please click here
  • ‘Movement Medicine – the Prescription everyone needs’ West Belfast Festival Health Lecture taking place on Tues 6th August for more information click here
  • Encompass Referral Pathway has been developed by the Stop Smoking Team.  Click here to view this pathway