Take 5 for your Mental Health this Summer!

26th June 2024

Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing for Your Mental Health

There are lots of ways you can get together with friends and family this summer to improve your mental health and emotional wellbeing.  Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing is an easy guide to 5 types of activities that we can all do to improve our mental health:

If you’re looking for inspiration there are lots of opportunities to Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing by participating in the Belfast 2024 programme of events.  Belfast Trust is a supporting partner of this ambitious cultural celebration for our city and are keen to promote the many events that will provide an opportunity to Connect with others, Learn something new, Be Active, Take Notice of your surroundings and Give you and your family a fun, free day out!

Here are some of the free Belfast 2024 events taking place during July and August:

Safari in the City – Wildflower Identification

Date: Saturday 20 July, 10.30am

Location: 261 Whiterock Road

Join Wild Belfast on 20th July for a walk up Black Mountain and brush up your botanical know-how! Thanks to the work of the Black Mountain Rewilding Project, the Mountain is a treasure trove of interesting wildflowers, and with the knowledge you’ll gain from Jake Dalzell, you’ll soon be able to boggle your friend’s brains with your botanical brilliance! For more information visit https://www.wildbelfast.org/ 


Safari in the City – Bat Walk

Date: Saturday 3 August, 8.30pm to 10.30pm

Location: Ligoniel Dams

A free, guided walk and talk to look at the bats of Ligoniel Dams in North Belfast.  Find more information on the Wild Belfast website.


10,000 Boat Corso

Saturday, 3 August 2024 12pm – 3pm

Location: River Lagan, City Centre

The culmination of a project that has seen local people build boats of all sizes from recycled materials such as Coke cans at 90 boatbuilding workshops over recent weeks.  At this final event 10,000 boats will be launched down the river Lagan.  Find out more at https://www.waterworks.site/


Safari in the City – Seed Collecting

Date: Saturday 24 August 2024, 1pm to 3pm

Location: Sir Thomas and Lady Dixon Park

Join Wild Belfast to collect wildflower seed for our practical conservation work. They’ll teach you about the adaptations of wildflower seed to disperse and introduce you to techniques like vacuum harvesting that will allow you to collect seed of your own. For more information visit https://www.wildbelfast.org/    


For more information on the yearlong programme of free events for Belfast 2024 visit www.belfast2024.co.uk.  For more information and to improve your mental health and emotional wellbeing please visit www.bwellbelfast.hscni.net/mind-ur-mind-mind-ur-mind/ and find out more about the work of the Health Improvement Team on our Loop page page https://bhsct.sharepoint.com/sites/ph/SitePages/Health-Improvement-Team.aspx