Cycle to Work Day 1st August 2024

26th July 2024

Cycle to Work Day 1st August 2024


What is Cycle To Work Day?

Cycle to Work Day takes place this year on the 1st August.

Celebrated annually, this day encourages people to ditch their cars and embrace cycling as a fun, healthy, and environmentally friendly way to commute. It’s an opportunity to promote the benefits of cycling, including improved physical fitness, reduced traffic congestion, and decreased environmental impact.

Who is Cycle to Work Day aimed at?

Everyone! Cycle to Work Day was established to inspire people to incorporate cycling into their daily routines. Whether a seasoned cyclist or a beginner, this day is all about getting on your bike and enjoying the ride to work. The event highlights the importance of active travel and aims to create a more sustainable commuting culture.

How to get motivated with Sustrans.

Our goal is to make cycling accessible and enjoyable for everyone, while also raising awareness about the infrastructure and policy changes needed to support cyclists.

Too far to cycle to work?  You can still get involved; unearth your bicycle at home. Sign up for free training with Sustrans; adult beginners, adult refreshers, bike maintenance or try or borrow an e-bike.  Go for a spin round the block or to the local park/shop.  Get the whole family involved and enjoy August more on two wheels.

Follow @Sustrans & @SustransNI on Facebook/Instagram/X for all the latest.

What your workplace can do

To bring the excitement of Cycle to Work Day to your staff bulletin’s/social media, here are some content ideas:

  • Promote your partnership with Sustrans NI & the Leading the Way (Belfast) programme.
  • Promote Leading the Way programme activities (see below)
  • Share the history and significance of Cycle to Work Day.
  • Post a poll asking staff about their commuting habits and if they cycle to work.
  • Promote sign up & use of Belfast Bikes
  • Promote your organisations CycleScheme/Voucher schemes
  • Promote Cycle Friendly Employers Accreditation achievements
  • Create a photo contest encouraging followers to share pictures of their cycling commute (Sustrans can offer prizes)
  • Highlight key benefits of cycling for health and the environment.
  • Share tips on how to start commuting by bike.
  • Share photos/maps of staff cycle parking areas
  • Post videos of cyclists sharing their commuting experiences and tips.
  • Share information, as an employer how they are working towards traffic reduction and environmental sustainability.
  • Highlight personal stories and testimonials from people who cycle to work regularly.
  • Post this video on how to maintain your bike and ensure a safe ride.

What’s on:

All Belfast sessions are FREE

To arrange a Try an e-bike session, 2-week bicycle loan or attend accredited commuter cycle training contact Dianne Whyte, Sustrans on 07812 470791.

Hashtags to consider

#LeadingtheWayBelfast #CycleToWork2024 #CycleToWorkDay #BikeCommute #CyclingBenefits #ActiveTravel #CycleBelfast #SustainableCommute #BikeToWork #HealthyCommute #CyclingCommunity #EcoFriendlyCommute #CycleToWork #CyclingLife #BikeSafety #BikeChallenge #CycleEveryday #CyclingHealth #BikeFriendly #CyclingTips #CommutingByBike #CycleCulture #CyclingEvents #CyclingAdvocacy #CycleToWorkInitiative #BikeRiding #CyclingPromotion #BikeLove #GreenCommute #CycleAdvocate #BikeJourney #RideToWork

Get in touch:

Dianne Whyte, Sustrans Active Travel Officer, Leading the Way Belfast programme

Tel: 07812 470791