July – Events, Activities and Resources

27th June 2024


The Health Improvement Team’s vision is to improve, enhance and support the health and wellbeing of our staff by addressing their health experiences and outcomes. Click on the links for more information.

  1. Action for Happiness Calendar – Jump Back Up July
  2. Supporting You with Encompass. Staff Health and Wellbeing Support and Resources are available beyond Go-Live. 
  3. Here4U Summer Programme.  We are delighted to be offering a range of activities for the 1st time over the summer months.  Find out more details here
  4. Top Tips for Looking After Yourself Training– do you want to learn strategies to manage stress, improve your emotional wellbeing and access support available to you?  Check out the training dates available here
  5. Living Life to the Full Course – this is suitable for people experiencing low mood, stress and/or mild to moderate depression. The course teaches people skills which can be used in everyday life
  6. Take 5 Steps to Wellbeing this Summer – an easy guide to 5 types of activities that we can all do to improve our mental health
  7. HIV Awareness TrainingHIV Awareness Training is mandatory for all BHSCT staff who have direct patient and client contact.  To access July training dates click here.
  8. Summer Wellness Walks are taking place across Hospital sites during lunch time
  9. Versus Arthritis offers Free Self-Management Classes for anyone with a long term health condition.  For more information click here.