Active Travel Challenge June 2024

30th May 2024

The Active Travel Challenge is a great way to get active this June!

This June, staff are encouraged to leave their car at home and take part in the Active Travel Challenge in a bid to be more sustainable, save money and to boost physical and mental health.

We invite you to challenge yourself to walk, wheel, run, scoot, take public transport and care share for more of your everyday journeys from 1 to 30 June. Win prizes and rewards for your efforts!

From a trip to the shop to the commute to work, the Active Travel Challenge encourages staff to switch up their usual routine and try walking, cycling or taking public transport as a cleaner, greener way to travel.

The joint initiative runs for the entire month of June. Participants log their ‘active travel’ journeys on the online platform for a chance to win a range Prizes, including vouchers, travel tickets, gym passes and rewards with retailers.

It’s free to register and participants can log their active travel journeys using BHSCT as the organisation online throughout June.

Belfast Trust will be competing against other organisations, so join the team and make a difference with your active travel journeys!

For further information on the challenge visit

A range of Active Travel events are also planned in June, visit the bWell  site for more details.

Three of our staff members have shared their inspiring stories on how they have become more active in their journeys.  They wouldn’t change what they are now doing and the benefits are beyond physical!