October – Breast Cancer Awareness Month

29th September 2022


October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Awareness Session:

Wednesday 26th October 2022 at 12.45-1.15pm via MS Teams

Facilitated by Paula Kennedy (Promoting Informed Choice Lead) and Brenda O’Kane (Breast Nurse Specialist)

To register to receive MS Teams Link please email health.improvement@belfasttrust.hscni.net

Information Stands:

Information Stands on Breast Screening will be held in the afternoons at the following venues and dates:

Monday 3rd October – Musgrave Park Hospital: Withers

Thursday 6th October – Royal Hospital: Main Foyer

Monday 17th October – City Hospital: Main Foyer

Breast Screening Programme

In Northern Ireland, approximately 1/3 of all women diagnosed with Breast cancer have been through the NHS Breast Screening Programme.

All women in the UK between 50-70 years are invited three yearly for free breast screening.  When over the age of 70 years, you can contact your local NHS Breast Screening Programme Centre to make an appointment.  Women between the ages of 40-49 years can contact Action Cancer to book a mammogram appointment (028 9080 3344).

The Promoting Informed Choice Team are available to deliver information on the Breast Screening Programme to Trust staff or community groups.  Please Contact Paula Kennedy, BHSCT Promoting Informed Choice Lead.

Useful Links:

b well Breast screening

Ni Direct Information and Services

Breast Screening Easy Read


Action Cancer

Cancer Focus NI