28 day Stop Smoking Challenge for Staff
Would you like to try to give up cigarettes for 28 days during the month of October?
By staying smoke free for 28 days you are 5 times more likely to stop forever.
This could be the start of a healthier, wealthier and happier you. Looking after your respiratory health has never been more important.
Staff can receive 12 weeks of ‘one to one telephone support’ with a stop smoking specialist. This can occur during your working day, with option of free NRT, nicotine replacement therapy (patches & inhalators) or a prescription request for other stop smoking medication.
One happy Belfast Trust staff member said: “I quit successfully with help from The Stop Smoking Service where a specialist supported me every week and gave me lots of tips to help me stop… NRT really makes giving up a lot easier than going cold turkey and you will have a better chance of quitting for good.” said Linda.
You can see what another staff member had to say here:
The disruptive impact of Covid 19 on smoking patterns make this year’s 28 Day Challenge more important than ever. Stopping smoking brings multiple benefits to health, some immediate and others that build over time. These include being able to start moving better, being able to breathe more easily and saving money.
It is now over £10 per packet for many brands. By not smoking for one month, many smokers could save over £300… in three months it would be £900, just in time for Christmas.
To take part in the challenge please email
stopsmoking@belfasttrust.hscni.net or call 02895046714.For more information about the Stop Smoking Service and staff wellbeing,
click the Bwell image.