
29th September 2022

Could you give up cigarettes for 28 days during the month of October?

By staying smoke free for 28 days you are 5 times more likely to stop forever.

This could be the start of a healthier, wealthier and happier you.

Looking after your respiratory health has never been more important.

BHSCT staff have an option of free NRT (nicotine replacement therapy) or a prescription request FOR ALTERNATIVE stop smoking medication while availing of the one to one support.

You can also receive ‘one to one telephone support’ with a stop smoking specialist once a week for a period of 12 weeks. This can occur during your working day.

One happy Belfast Trust staff member said:

“I quit successfully with help from The Stop Smoking Service where a specialist supported me every week and gave me lots of tips to help me stop… NRT really makes giving up a lot easier than going cold turkey and you will have a better chance of quitting for good.” said Linda.

You can see and hear what another staff member had to say here

The most popular brand is now close to £11 per packet. That is £330 per month if you smoke 20 cigarettes a day. That is the price of a weekend away for two in a lovely hotel.
By remaining smoke free for 3 months, a smoker could save close to £1000 just in time for Christmas…  Not to mention the many health benefits.

You can register by :

For more information visit the BWell site Stop Smoking | B Well Belfast